Friday, April 27, 2007

How to install and use our RSS feed!

Hopefully this will explain, if you don’t already know, how to install and use our RSS feed so that you can see our blog headlines on your desktop! It isn’t the easiest procedure in the world, but I managed to do it and I am nothing special when it comes to the intricacies of the internet!

- Firstly, you will need the install a ‘Feed Reader’. This is basically a program that will let you view the news items you wish to view on your desktop. The one that I use is called ‘NewsBliss’ and you can download and install it for FREE from

- After you have installed your reader, you need to work out how to add an ‘xml’ address to your reader. This sounds very technical, but it is in fact what these programs were made for, so it should be very straightforward! Once you know where to enter your xml feed, you can move on to the next step… getting our feed on your reader!

- On our blog, click on the ‘Subscribe to our Feed for Regular Updates!’ link, and you will be taken to the ‘Feedburner’ page for our blog.

- Then, RIGHT-CLICK on ‘View Feed XML’, which should be on the right hand side of the page. Select ‘Copy Shortcut’ and our xml feed address is saved on your clipboard.

- Then, you go back to your reader, and in the area where you need to enter an xml feed, right-click and select ‘Paste’. This should now read ‘’.

- Select ‘OK’ or the equivalent on your reader, and then you should be able to read our blog postings on your PC desktop!

I really hope this helps. We are trying to make this blog as accessible as possible, and if you do have any feedback on what you want in the blog, or how helpful (or not!) this tutorial is, please leave a comment or email me at and I will reply in kind.

Happy Feed-Hunting!

Dave @ YTM HQ

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